Laurel Water Utility District #2 Logo    Laurel County
   Water District #2
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri: 8 am - 4:30 pm


Present Water Rates

A.     Minimum Water Rates Based on Size of Connection

Size of Meter Connection

Number of Gallons or Less
of water per month to be
Provided for the Minimum Rate

Monthly Minimum Water
Rate Per Connection

5/8 x 3/4 Inch

1,000 gallons


1 Inch

5,000 gallons


1 1/2 Inch

10,000 gallons


2 Inch

20,000 gallons


3 Inch

30,000 gallons


4 Inch

50,000 gallons


B.     Meter Rates for Water Usage in Addition to Minimum Charge

Number of Gallons of Water
Per Month

Monthly Charge
Per 1,000 Gallons Per Month

First 1,000 Gallons

$15.00  Minimum Bill

Next 99,000 Gallons

$5.86  per 1,000 Gallons

Over 100,000 Gallons

$5.23  per 1,000 Gallons

Additional Fees:



Connection / Reconnection


After Hours Reconnection


Meter Test


Returned Check


Connection Fee 5/8 x 3/4 inch meter


Additional Trip Charge


Residential Meter Deposits

5/8 x 3/4 inch meter


Commercial Meter Deposits
